Friday, April 1, 2005

Went to Grant's girlfriend's house for poker night tonight. Yes, you read that right. I think it was a way for dad to meet her parents. Turns out they didn't talk that much at all. But it was fun anyways. I was pretty sure going into tonight that I sucked at poker, but tonight confirmed it. I am definitely bad. At least I didn't go out first. I consider it a success if someone loses all their chips before me.

Note to self: Moving to Vegas would be a very, very bad idea.

Dad willingly handed over the keys to me to drive home tonight, which was good. Not that he drank a whole lot, but still. Upon arriving home however, he promptly goes "well I'm going to the store, do you need anything?"

Note to self: ...........I'm just shaking my head. I really can't think of what to write here.

Got punked by Grant today. This marks the 97th year in a row that Grant has gotten me on April Fool's Day. The worst part is that last night I told Rachel that we both had to be on our toes today because Grant would try and pull something. So he calls, tells me how a bunch of people at his apartment were smoking weed last night when the cops showed up. Says he's almost positive he was going to get evicted and have to move back in with us. And I bought it. He didn't even warm me up....just dove right into the story. And I took the bait like a starving fish that saw the hook, knew it was a hook, yet bit it anyways.

Note to self: I am an idiot.

Took a skills test for a potential job at a bank the other day. The first question on the math portion was "200 minus 8 equals:" It didn't get any harder. It was 10 questions long. As of yet I haven't been contacted. I am absolutely certain that if I would've skipped college and gone straight into the work force, I would be 100 times better off financially than I am now. And, with 8 years of work experience under my belt, there's no reason to think that I wouldn't be better off in the future as well. I can't believe I'm getting passed over for some of these jobs. It seems that the ones I'm over qualified for won't hire me, and the ones that I am qualified for won't hire me due to lack of experience. So I'm fucked. I'm really starting to worry about this too. I'm trying not to let it get to me, but I'm extremely scared that I will be making less than $10 an hour when I'm 40 years old. You may think I'm over reacting, but shit. I liked working in the athletic department, but getting hired by a state university is next to impossible right now. They're operating in a deficit as it is. And if I want to get a job of substance, I'd probably have to go back to school with the money I don't have cause I spent 8 years fucking around to get a bachelors.

Ok, I'm just getting mad now and that isn't fun for anyone to read, so I'm going to stop.

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