Tuesday, April 26, 2005

General Information ..

Full name? Andrew Stewart Lasselle
Age? closer to 26 than 25....wait..did I say that right? Sweet Jesus! Who stole my childhood, and where can I get it back?
Birthday? August 8
Shoe size? 12 to 13 depending on the weight of the yen on todays economy.
School? Something I'm done with. For now.......
Height? 6'2 if I'm lucky...people usually buy it. In actuality, I'm closer to 6'1. Ok, honestly the only time I remember being 'officially' measured at the doctor's office, I was 6'0 and 3/4.
Hair color? naturally? I see a little more of me turning gray every day. By the way, who decided it was ok to spell gray grey? Did Webster make a typo when writing the first edition of his dictionary and say 'screw it, we're keeping it?" I need to know this.
Eye color? Blue...very blue. One of my best physical characteristics, or so I've been told.
Siblings? Three of the best. Grant, Erin and Colin.
Sign? Leo. Grrrr baby.
Righty or lefty? Lefty...and I don't think anyone would argue. My personality fits that of your stereotypical lefthander....just a little off.
Single? Ok funny. I just read Juli's survey where she said "I have a boyfriend I like to brag about. Then the next thing written is "do you...." I thought she was mocking all the single people out there. turns out that's the next line in the survey. For a second I was like "alright Juli, way to shit on the single people! Let 'em know they're inferior! Turns out she wasn't as evil as I thought. And no, I'm not single either.....are you?

Do you ..
Sing in the shower? I should...seems like I sing everywhere else. Today I had most of the medical records staff singing the Backstreet Boys "I want it that way" with me. Quite humorous actually.
Play sports? Yeah, I play in a basketball rec league...my team is god awful, but it's fun just to get out there and run around still. I'm thinking that I need to start playing city league softball too.
Do well in school? If I was a doctor, maybe. Since I'm a medical records clerk...hell no.
Hold grudges? I'm still pissed Nikko was bounced from American Idol. And don't even get me started on that stupid high school basketball rule about nobody being in the lane before the ball hits the rim on a free throw......
Do drugs? Only in dire circumstances.....like only if my headache is so bad that I can't even think will I take tylenol.
Drink? lots of milk.....lots. We're talking 3 gallons a week.
Have a crush? Is it still considered a crush if you sleep together every night?
Miss someone? I miss my friends Steve and Dave and JR and Joel. During college, we hung out all day every day. Now I have to schedule weekends once every few months to get together with them, and still we can't all make it. It's kind of sad.
Wish you could change the past? Only if once I changed it, I could get back to this point. It'd be kind of fun to really see what might've been - but I wouldn't trade my life the way it is right now for anything.
Like boys or girls? girls. definitely girls. Even the statement 'I like boys' gives me the heeby jeebies.
Have a job? yup! Feels good to say that too.
Have piercings? nope. Metal was not meant to go through your skin. Your ears are not pincushions people!
Have animals? Nope, but hopefully sometime in the near future we can get a puppy.
Have a car? grrrrr.....I'm not answering this on the grounds that the question pissed me off enough.
License? i'd guess less than 1% of the people who fill this survey out do not have a license. what kind of bs question is this?

What's your favorite ..
Drink? Pepsi....always has been, always will be.
Food? Rachel makes this tater tot casserole that is awesome. I love it.
Time of day? sundown....especially during the summers.
Day of the week? Gotta be Sunday. Usually don't have anything planned, can just hang out.
Song? Currently I'd say Lenny Kravitz - Where are we Running.
Band? I've never been a big fan of group acts....I guess I'd say the Aquabats...they have some good stuff.
Quote? "If you get hurt and miss work, it won't hurt to miss work." ~Yogi Berra.
Memory? College.
Number? 20
Radio station? 1240 Joe Radio
TV show? The OC and Grey's Anatomy
CD? The only one I have in the truck is G-Unit....some good songs on that one, but it's getting a tad bit played out.
Cartoon character? Peter Griffin.
Color? Red.

Have you ever ..
Spilled the beans? Why yes officer, my friend JR is passed out in his bedroom....come on in.....
Broke a promise? sadly, yes.
Regretted a friendship? nah......regretted a relationship? Now that's a different story.
Broke any bones? my thumb, my big toe, and my nose (twice).
Been to the hospital? I practically work at the hospital.
Failed a class? Ohhhh yes. All because I wanted to go to the Z100 Low Dough Christmas Show with Boyz II Men. So I skip our final presentation. Then only three of the Boyz showed up. I know there's a lesson there somewhere.......
Been suspended? No ma'am
Been expelled? Why do I assume a woman wrote this survey?
Lied to yourself? Of course you're the best player in the league Andy........
Snuck out? Of the house...no....well once I had to leave in the middle of the night to pick up my intoxicated brother...but that was more sneaking IN to the house than out.

Would you ever ..
Be able to kill someone? I bet if my life or the life of someone I cared about was in jeopardy I could. I hope to God I never have to find out though.
Skydive? I almost did once. Although there was a weight limit of 245 lbs. My weight at the time....243. I passed. No way am I messing around with a weight limit on that one. I might do it in the future though.
Move far away? Colorado....I was only gone 3 months, but when I got off the plane at home and was met by my family...man I couldn't stop smiling.
Ditch your friends for money? Ummmmm no. For booty...well c'mon who hasn't?
Ask a guy out? Well that confirms it....a woman wrote this.
Run away? Not from home. From the cops, from angry 8th graders......hell yes. I'm not about to stand around for an ass whupping. Note: I was in sixth grade at the time.
Steal? Yeah I shoplifted some donuts once. And I was an accessory to a burrito theft. That's about it.
Kiss and tell? Well as a rule I try not to, but sometimes something so funny happens that you have to tell your friends....or really anyone that will listen. Care to lend me your ear?
Lead someone on? Not intentionally.
Cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend? No I haven't.....I'd hate myself if I did.

One or the other ..
White or Black? Gray
Pink or Purple? Red
Plane or Car? SUV
Summer or Winter? Summer
Music or TV? TV
Gym or English? Gym
Love or Lust? Both
Sunset or Sunrise? Sunset
Diamonds or Pearls? diamonds..who wants oyster turds?
Silver or Gold? Silver....matches my hair.
Horror or Comedy? Comedy....I love to laugh.

All about friends ..
Best friends? JR, Joel, Steve, Dave. Yes there are more, some related to me, but I'm tired.
Childhood friends? Jeff Judkins....whatever happed to that cowmeal eating sunuvabitch
Loudest? Grant
Tallest? JR
Quietest? Steve by default.
Funniest? Big Bear......harrrrrrrrrrr!
Slowest? JR....poor guy once strained his groin coming out of the batters box.
Sweetest? I gotta go with Sammy right now since she drove me to work last week.
Toughest? JR. Only friend I've had that physically stepped up for me when I someone threatened me.
Most outgoing? Dave...if only for this conversation
Dave: Hey ladies how you doing?
Ladies: We're Good.
Dave: No you're not. You're ho's.
Moodiest? Probably me. Although JR can throw a curveball at you every now and then.
Most emo looking? What in the hell is emo? I'm serious....somebody tell me.
Most punk looking? None....I don't hang out with people who strive to be 'different' by looking like every other person striving to be different.
Stupidest laugh? That'd be me again. Although Joel's chuckle/hand clap thing is pretty dorky.
Secret keeper? They're all good until you get a little alcohol in them. then nothing's sacred.
Punching bag? Dude people shit on me all the time.

Who was the last ..
Person you hugged? Rachel
Person who called? Grant
Person you talked to in person? Rachel...though she was half asleep, so I doubt she remembers.
Person to message you? Rachel texted me last, but I'm chatting with Joel right now.
Person to e-mail you? Tina at work.
Person to make you laugh? Rachel.
Person to make you cry? Rachel.
Person to amaze you? Rachel. She offered to make me lunch and I said "yeah a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something would be great." Almost immediately I wished I would've said grilled cheese. I show up 10 minutes later, and she's cooking grilled cheese. Awesome.
Person you called? Grant
Person you messaged? Joel.
Last person you e-mailed? my friend Kindra in Colorado.
Last person you made cry? Probably Rachel.

What ..
Are you listening to? Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
Are you wearing? a t-shirt and boxers.....about to go to bed.
What color are your undies? I've got the blue ones on with motorcycles...why motorcycles you ask? Because that's what the 3 pack from costco had to offer!
Are you doing? Discussing our upcoming trip to Florida with Joel.
Are you thinking about? sleeping. I'm beat.
Do you have to do soon? Get up and go to work. Ok it's 8 or 9 hours off, but still.
Are you biggest fears? Never having a job I feel proud to have. That and losing Rachel.
Did you think of this lame quiz? Not bad...i've seen better though.

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