Monday, April 25, 2005

Finding a groove

So I'm really starting to hit my stride at work. I've only been there about a week (not counting orientation) and already the other new hires are turning to me with their questions, even if there's someone more experienced right there. That makes me feel good, but also makes me feel like maybe I'm in a position that's a little too easy for me.

There's a new girl named Jeniffer. Yes I spelled that right. She's a trip. I've found that people who have normal names spelled un-normally are anything but normal. Today she just put her stack of charts down started rubbing her temples and looks at me and says "so does your high ponytail ever give you a headache at work, or is it just me?" I was going to say something witty in reply, but I just started laughing. I wasn't sure how to follow that one up. She also pronounces abbreviations and such as actual words. For example....the abbreviation for "Doctor's Order" is DO. She would say...."just let me take care of this Doh." NCHT is pronounced Nicht. And perhaps her most bizarre quirk: Because we work in close quarters, you're always having to step to the side to let someone by. Every time you step aside to let her through, she puts one hand out in front of her like she's a damn torpedo and makes this little sound effect. She's a little strange, but she makes work interesting.

Rachel's decided to run the Seattle Marathon in November. Consequently, I've committed to running the half marathon. It's a good thing this race is in 7 months, not 7 days, because I'd never make it. I've been running every day for almost a week now, and little by little, I can see progress. It's extremely frustrating right now, because I'm so out of shape that I don't even feel like I've gotten any sort of benefit from the exercise before I'm out of breath. I just need to realize that eventually it'll come. I'm just kind of a results driven person, and when I'm not seeing results, I'm not sure why I'm doing it. But Rachel's a pretty good motivator. I was going to take a day off last Thursday or Friday, and as I'm sitting on the couch watching tv, every 15 minutes or so, she'd go "so are you going to exercise today?" or "have you exercised yet today?" Drove me batty. Finally I stormed upstairs to put on shorts and a t-shirt, much to her delight. Damn slave-driver that woman.

That's all I got. Remember to love the one you're with. And if you're with more than one, love 'em all!

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