Wednesday, April 6, 2005

I have no response

While browsing the list of most popular interests of Livejournal users, I came across a disturbing fact......more people list "vampires" as interest than people who list "sports" as an interest. Can I go back to 1997? I remember when the internet was still a place normal people visited. People who didn't view the computer as the only place they could find people who "got" them. When you could chat with someone and not worry about them being a pedophile or a stalker, or trying to recruit you to a cult. I went to a 20's chat room on AOL today, and it was just a bunch of robot IM names repeatedly telling me that they were 18 and horny, and begging me to check out their website. Retarded. If the internet really is a superhighway, then chatrooms have become polluted and I'm the Indian on the side of the road with a single tear dripping down my cheek.

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