Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Floating along

It's now officially been three weeks since I was told I'd hear about the other position I applied for.  Still no word.  There was a blurb in the staff newsletter saying that an announcement was "impending."  I understand that these things take time, but if someone tells me "we'll let you know by the first of the month," shouldn't someone also say "hey it's taking a little longer than we expected, hang in there?"  Not that it would change the outcome or anything, but seriously.  I see these people every day.  Maybe I'm way off base here, but doesn't it seem like HR departments in general have difficulty relating to humans?  You hardly ever hear a "good" HR story from anyone.  Then again, people are more likely to point out flaws than they are positive traits. 

Rachel and Jonah have only been gone for two nights, and I can now say 100% that I couldn't live on my own again.  I hate it. It's too quiet, the house seems colder, and I try to avoid going to sleep because it's lonely in the bed.  I complain more than anyone about sharing a bed because, like water, I like to spread out to cover as much space as possible in bed.  While I have slept extremely soundly the past two nights, it takes me forever to fall asleep.  I've become the complete opposite of a loner.  I spent last night trying to have as many things going on as possible to kill time because I hated the quiet.  I was watching basketball on tv, checking my fantasy baseball team on my iPod and talking on the phone all at the same time trying to occupy my mind. 

The Ben Roethlisberger saga is yet another example of why I find it increasingly difficult to get into professional sports.  Everytime you start liking a team or player, someone assaults someone, shoots a gun, gets a creepy neck tattoo, cheats on their wife, takes drugs, drives drunk, or all of the above.  It's just a huge bummer.  I'm going to try as hard as possible to make sure Jonah never buys an jersey with a player's name on the back.  That odds are almost 100% that the player will either change teams (forcing me to buy a new jersey) or end up on the police blotter (forcing me to buy a new jersey).  Sports movies love to use the cliche "you play for the name on the front of the jersey, not on the back."  Fans should take that same advice in their cheering.


Weight Loss Journal - Day 28
Weight Per Wii - 245 lbs (-4)
The Good: Ran 4.25 miles yesterday.  It was easier than expected. 
The Bad:  About half an hour after completing my run, the arch in my foot cramped up, and stayed cramped for at least an hour.  The arch!  I was hobbling around work all afternoon and when people asked me what was wrong, I had to say "my arch hurts."  Is there a wussier part of your body to hurt?  I say no.  An upper body injury you can mask because it's non-weight bearing so nobody will even know you're hurt.  Joints are excusable, but what the hell is an arch?  It's not a joint.  If it's a muscle, it's like the tiniest muscle in your body.
The Ugly:  I'm now down four pounds in four weeks.....a decent pace.  Problem is that I lost all four this week.  What the hell was I doing the first three weeks?


  1. Eating too many fruit snacks on the way to daycare with Jonah in the morning?
