Monday, April 11, 2005

Bring on the work

Well it's official...not having a job is far far worse than having a job.

I've been bored out of my flipping mind today. My day has consisted of rotating between the internet, Xbox, and television. Except for that hour that I drove to the clinic to pick up my employment papers. That was fun. I decided to get gas so I didn't have to worry about it in the morning on my way to work tomorrow. While I'm waiting to get filled up, I left the radio on to listen to the Mariners game. Wouldn't you know my battery would fail when I tried to start it back up? Brown Sugar strikes again. That truck has been with us since I was born.....has over 550,000 miles on's like part of the family. Like the uncle who sometimes blows off Christmas for a bender in Tijuana. You never know when Brown Sugar is just going to call in sick. I'm actually preparing for issues tomorrow morning. Nothing like being late to work your first day on the job because your truck is a dinosaur. Wouldn't be a good way to start off....especially since I've already lied to my boss. What you say? Andy lied to his boss? Well he had to.

Remember how I was asked to interview for a job at OSU with the college of agriculture? Well the interview is Wednesday morning. So I had to call my new boss and tell her something to get me out of work in the morning so I could make this interview. Hello dentist appointment!
Hopefully this interview with OSU goes well.....I'd hate to think that I lied for no good reason. Although how often do you accept a job and then quit it the next week? Oh wait, I did that last month. I'm setting all sorts of records here. Problem is I'm never going to have any references at this rate. Nobody's going to give glowing remarks about the guy who quit a week after hiring.

I'm excited about working tomorrow. I'm sure the excitement will last about til lunch. But hey...anything's better than the bore-fest my life has been today. Only about 2 hours til Rachel gets home!

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