Friday, February 11, 2005

Pet Peeves and Keanu Reeves

sorry, Keanu was the only thing I could think of that rhymed with peeves.

I don't consider myself a tidy person. Anyone who has lived with me can attest to this. However, there is a time and place for everything, and my time and place for tidiness is my computer. Specifically, my music files. I absolutely hate it when some songs are in files with incorrect singers, the caps lock was on, the song name isn't right, or any information is missing. Thus I've begun the tedious task of looking up song title, artist and album information for each and every song in my music library. This totals 1854 songs at the moment. I'm going through this artist by artist. I just made it to the D's. It's 3pm right now. I started this at 11. That's about one hour per letter of the alphabet. At this rate, it's going to take me 26 hours to do this. That's if I don't take any breaks. Good lord.

In other news, my Super Bowl Pepsi Can collection is no more. I started collecting the super bowl collectors cans a few years ago, when Tampa Bay beat whoever they beat in Super Bowl XXXVI. Well, I came downstairs this morning to find that the can from that game had spontaneously sprung a leak and leaked all over the kitchen. This can is sitting (with the other two) on top of the cupboards. It somehow leaked behind the cupboards as opposed to down the front, and pooled on top of the flour container. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I have absolutely no explaination. I just wonder how many ants are going to take up residence behind our counters this summer. I did come to the conclusion however that keeping full Pepsi cans may not be a great idea, so I popped the most recent can into the fridge and drank it shortly thereafter. Last year's can was dumped down the sink and recycled. Sad day.

Alright I'm going to get back to the music. By the way, did anyone know that Britney Spears has a greatest hits album already? And she called it "My Prerogative." What the hell?

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