Friday, February 4, 2005

Thumbs Sideways

Ever since I heard about this movie "Sideways" I've been interested in seeing it. I know it cleaned up at the Golden Globes, and the previews tout it as "The best time you'll have at the movies all year." Sounds like a can't miss flick. Well, the one problem I had is that when I saw previews, I had absolutely no clue what the hell this movie was about. There is no discernable storyline from the previews. That always worries me about a movie. If I'm gonna pay between $5.25 and $8.00 to see a movie, I want to have some idea what I'm getting into. Plus, it looked like one of those movies that wins a lot of acclaim and awards, but you're not really sure why. Like "American Beauty" or "Cider House Rules." So I held off seeing it until I could get a reliable source to tell me it was worth seeing.

My dad finally told me it was worth seeing. When he told me it was about wine tasting, I had Rachel hooked. So we went and saw it yesterday afternoon. And.....well I was right. It's good, but I don't understand why it's winning academy awards. It was funny, and the characters were well written and acted, but geez there's a lot of slow parts. All in all I'd say it's a film you can justify seeing at economy time or using your old student ID to get a discount. But if you wait til it's on video, you're not really gonna be sad.

That's all for today. Remember, Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Unless it's not your baby, or it's possessed by the devil or something. Then get rid of it by any means necessary.

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