Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Musical musings

I got a job interview!

Finally...after about sending out approximately 15-20 job applications, I got one call back. That's not a very good rate of return, but like an unplanned pregnancy, it only takes once. It's with Health Information Services at the Corvallis Clinic. The call it a "health information services clerk," but really I think that's fancy jobspeak for "office bitch." whatever, it's a source of income. My interview is Tuesday at 2, so I'll post all about the goodness sometime shortly afterwards. It's hard not to put all my eggs in this basket. I've already started thinking about what I'm going to do with my first paycheck and how much I need to start spending on this that and the other. Might wanna get the job there first, chief.

Watched SuperNanny for the first time tonight. I can't help but think that the nanny looks like a character from a bad porn flick. This English lady in a purple suit with horn rimmed glasses and her hair pulled up in a bun. Then showing up, letting her hair down and unbuttoning her suit jacket while biting on the end of her glasses and telling the dad that he's been a bad parent and showing him some "disciplinary techniques." Coming soon to the Adult Video Shop near you....

The show is actually pretty entertaining though. Never thought I'd actually watch it. But flipping channels tonight, I saw this little 4 year old girl slap her mom straight across the face and call her a "butt pie." I was hooked. These kids are absolute psychos. At one point the dad looked totally defeated and said "how did I let it get to this?" If only they had shown the first four years of these kids lives so we all knew what not to do. I know parenting isn't easy, and every kid is different, but c'mon. My parents fought constantly growing up, my dad was hardly ever home, but I never punched my mom, or flat out refused to accept a punishment. The only time I really remember getting way out of line was at the doctor's office when they wanted to prick my finger. They had to call for backup I was so out of control. I was running circles around the nurses station screaming and crying. Rachel told me that when a patient or someone at the hospital gets bullish or physical, they page "Dr. Strong" and a bunch of guys come running to restore order. I was probably the first six year old in history to require a paging of Dr. Strong. Of course it wasn't even close to as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I was quite satisfied that I had to be restrained before being poked.

I got an email from one of the kids at the Boys and Girls Club tonight. It's nice to know that they still think about me there. Makes me feel like I made a difference in at least someone's life while I was there. She wants me to come to one of her basketball games, and I'm gonna try and catch one of the ones at the club coming up here in a few weeks. I don't know if it's considered weird for me to go to a 13 year old girls basketball game or not.

I spent a good chunk of the day today ripping songs from CDs onto my computer and downloading music. I think I probably have a bigger collection of Sir Mix-A-Lot songs that anyone else in the world. Except maybe Mix himself. And I have every Lila McCann song ever released. That's a bigger library than Lila has. I'm sure of that. Why she never became a big star in country is beyond me. My theory is her management team sucked ass. Some of her best songs were never released as singles. It's a crime really. Plus she's really cute. Sigh......

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. But I bet if they had enough people, they could've done it.

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