Monday, January 3, 2005

grr I'm steaming mad

So I just went for a walk to pick up my paycheck and check and see if I could get tickets for the Civil War hoops game down in Euguene this weekend. And I'm walking down the street, and here come these two girls. They're gabbing on and on about how lame it is to be back in school and such. One of them had a Louis Vitton bag. And they're walking side by side on a sidewalk built for two people. And these girls act like it's a game of chicken or some shit. I move all the way over to the right of the sidewalk and these girls make no attempt to clear a lane for me. I literally had to walk in the grass to avoid shoulder checking this chick. Next time I'm doing it. How great would that be? I'm just walking down the sidewalk, and a girl doesn't yield right of way to me so I drop her. I swear that would be on America's Funniest Videos. Inconsiderate people, especially inconsiderate people with Louis Vitton bags, are probably my biggest pet peeve. Either that or when you have your music player on random and out of the 1383 songs you have, it continually picks slow songs, or the Counting Crows and Sarah McLachlan songs your girlfriend downloaded. That really gets my boxers in a bunch.

Oh, and to update the 5K run I did on New Year's Eve.....I made it 2.2 miles before the arches in my feet were begging for mercy. So we stop running. Ended up being about a 3K run, 1K walk, 1K run. No way was I going to walk across the finish line. Especially when they've got some guy on a loudspeaker reading your name off as you come to the line. As if it isn't bad enough that they can look at my time and go "Jesus that guy is slow! I saw an 8 year old come in 10 minutes ago!" (By the way, that eight year old beat me. Soundly.) They've gotta go "we want to welcome back Andy Lasselle! Happy New Year, Andy." I half expected his next words to be "Looks like Andy's resolution should be to get in shape!"

Perhaps the most amusing part of the whole ordeal was that they give you an electronic chip to attach to your shoe. This chip apparently gives you the most accurate time, since when the race starts it usually takes about 2 minutes to actually get to the starting line because of all the people in the race. Great for people wearing dri-fit nike body suits, totally useless to out of shape 25 year olds trying to make their girlfriends happy by running in a 5K. Although I felt kind of important when I get to the finish line and they have a girl sitting there ready to cut this thing off your shoe. You just shove your foot in her face and she has to sit there and take it. Makes you feel good, probably made her feel like cinderella before the glass slipper. All in all a good time though.

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