Monday, January 10, 2005

can't touch this

What a weekend. Friday was pretty uneventful, although The Sandlot was on tv. I swear I'm gonna buy that movie one of these days. It's a damn shame that I don't have it yet. Probably one of my 5 favorite movies of all time.

Saturday saw me working a women's basketball game. We got torched. I used to like going to women's games, because either I had a crush on one (or a few) of the players, or I was friends with them. Those days are gone though. I guess Grant's still friends with Casey, but I never see her anymore. Mandy and I stopped being friends I guess when our class schedules no longer overlapped. Maybe that means we were never friends to begin with. Oh well. Brooks Hatch wrote a column in the Gazette Times yesterday calling for Coach Spolestra's firing. Grant, Joel and I have been saying this for a while. Glad that someone with a voice for these things finally spoke up.

After the women's game, Grant and I ran to the store and got some burger meat and chips for dinner. Our plan was to have people over to watch the Men's game on tv. In the past, whenever we've tried to round up a group of people for something like this, it's never worked. Rachel had her doubts, and so did I. But JR, Gjurg, Sarah and Jackie came through. Joel bailed, but he had a legit reason. No hard feelings there. All in all it was pretty fun, even though the guys lost. We played pretty well, especially for us on the road. If we had rebounded, we might've had a chance.

Then it was off to the bars. I think the last time I went to the bars was six months ago or something. Kellie and Joel met up with us at Clod's and good times were had by all. Grant tried to walk across the table at one point. The guy that worked there wasn't too happy and tried to act tough and get all bullish with Grant. Grant dismissed him and I think the guy's pride was hurt. It was a pretty amusing exchange. Other highlights included the girl in sweatpants that was so drunk she looked like she may fall asleep standing up, and JR threatening to beat a guy up for not shaking my hand. JR would later say "you can do a lot of shit, but you don't fuck with Andy or Grant and get away with it around me." That's my dogg.

I think I ended up getting to bed around 5am, making Sunday a complete wash. Grant successfully went 24 hours without putting a shirt on, and I ate fast food for 3 meals. Well lunch was actually leftover burgers and chips from the night before, but it was pretty much on the same level. A long day of watching football and playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Pretty entertaining game. I discovered that you could make CJ (the main character) strip down to his underwear and play the game like that. Let me tell you....seeing a large tattoo'ed gangbanger in a green bandana and tidy whiteys try to orchestrate a drug deal with two Mexicans is funnier than you'd think. Hard to take a guy looking like that seriously when he says stuff like "Don't disrespect me cholo!" I had a good chuckle about that before putting a full outfit on the guy before it got weird. It's ok to laugh at a thug in undies for a while, but if you do it too long.....well that's just weird.

So today is going to be filled with more Grand Theft Auto and job applications. Oh, and I need to organize my closet and get all my old clothes ready to go to Goodwill.

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