Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ready for the good times

I just got done watching 8 Mile. Good movie. Although I think the moral of the movie is that if you live in a trailer park and work at a dead end job, the best thing you can do is become a super talented rapper who just happens to be a bit of a novelty so you get noticed.

Rachel started to feel better...maybe it's because she slept for 15 of the last 24 hours. I think she might've got me a little sick too, didn't exactly feel 100% this afternoon. Might just be me being paranoid though. I'm a big believer that if you think you're getting sick, you're probably gonna get sick. So if you don't act sick, you probably won't get sick. Now excuse me while I take some Theraflu and drink a Gatorade.

Courtney Carter stopped by today. One of the genuine nice people in this world. She recently had surgery on her leg to straighten out the bones. She broke her leg playing soccer about a year and a half ago or so, and has had a myriad of problems since then. This latest surgery was actually to correct what they messed up the last time. Well you know how when people break their neck, they get a halo strapped on them and holes drilled in their skull and stuff? Well picture one of those contraptions on her leg. It was amazing. She had something like 5 pins drilled into her tibia and another three that went through the bottom of the fubula and tibia. Then she has some computer program that she uses to tell her how to calibrate this contraption so that it actually straightens the bones in her leg. Looked like the most painful thing I have ever seen. She seemed to be doing alright with it though.

Did anyone else catch the guy on sportscenter today singing this song about the Philadelphia Eagles and when it got to the part where the spell out Eagles, he spelled it E-L-G-L-E-S? This is what happens when people get too into sports. Another guy was on the radio saying how he cried for hours last night he was so happy that the Eagles won. I wonder what that guy is going to do Super Bowl Sunday when the Patriots dismantle the Eagles and win by like 27 or something. Is he going to cry for hours that night.....or is he going to do something worse? Is he going to burn his neighbors house down? Is he going to run screaming out of the house and in his blind fury get struck by a taxi? Is he going to call in sick to work the next day because he's so distraught? I'd like to hear that conversation. "Hi boss, I don't think I'll be able to make it into work today...I'm not feeling so good." "Oh yeah, what's wrong? Stomach? Headache?" "Naw it's my heart boss. The Eagles, the loss.......I can't talk about this anymore. I'll see you tomorrow." Some people just take things too far. Like crying when you find out that your favorite member of N'Sync is dating Topanga from Boy Meets World, or getting a tattoo of a girl's name that you just met a few weeks ago.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Remember never to frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. Unless you're missing more teeth than you have remaining

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