Thursday, January 27, 2005

Birthday wishes

When the teachers called Nelly's name in middle school during roll, did he say "Hurrrrrr?"

Happy birthday to Joel. He's 26, and he's gonna spend the night covering a women's basketball game and then hitting the college bars with JR, Grant and me. Aside from Grant, we all qualify for the 25 & older lounge at any college. It'll be a hoot. Joel's birthday always carries special significance for me. His birthday always hovers around the Super Bowl, and as a result, many of his birthday parties were also Super Bowl parties. Who can forget playing NCAA basketball on the Super Nintendo. Wake Forest had some guy that never missed 3's. I think I scored 80 points with him one game. Or watching Denver lose 55-10. Or me throwing down a dunk so hard that I broke Stuart's basketball hoop? Or catching a pass in the annual halftime touch football game, turning upfield and getting tackled by Joel's mom's rare Japanese tree. That was the last super bowl party I was invited to. I was banned from his house for life that day. True story. I've only been to his house a few times since, and every time I think his mom watches me with an evil all-seeing eye.

I finally broke down and paid for MP3 Downloading. I'm pleased as punch with this though. When someone says something that reminds me of Pimp Juice, I want to be able to download Nelly. When Rachel hears a song on The OC, she should be able to download it without paying $16.99 for the whole cd. Some songs aren't even available on cd's. Some Afroman songs aren't even on CD's. Thus the necessity for downloading music. So I'll gladly pay $48 a year for this service.

today's shaping up to be a great day. I've got a basketball game tonight, downloading obscure music, The OC, Joel's birthday.....On the potential scale, today gets a 10.5.

If don't aim for the stars, you can never land in the clouds. But if you pick a weak cloud, you'll land on the ground. Hard. That's a long fall.

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