Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Hot Shower Epidiemic

I'm here to write about a strange phenomenon I've come across. It seems that every guy I've talked to recently has made a comment about how his significant other takes unbearably hot showers. What is it with you women? Rachel takes showers so hot it turns her skin bright red. She sets off our smoke detectors.....no joke. One time I went into our bedroom, and the steam coming out of the bathroom was at least 8 inches thick all over the bedroom! It was like I walked into a rainforest or something with a low fog.

Now, I can't figure out why women torture themselves like this. I literally cannot stand to be in the shower when Rachel's got it at the temperature she likes. It hurts! Typically, don't women have a higher body fat percentage than men? I know that's definitely not the case in my relationship, but on the whole I think that's true. Wouldn't that mean that women would retain heat better and not need as hot showers? Or are men so much hairier that women that we trap the heat under our chest hair? I'm really confused on this.

In other news, Rachel and I are planning on going to Colorado in late June-early July. Should be a fun time....we're going to go visit the resort I worked at about 7 years ago. I'm excited about that....plus it's a road trip! Haven't done one of those since Rachel and I drove to Anaheim straight through about three years ago. This time we'll be able to take our time and enjoy it a little more.

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