Friday, February 2, 2007

Another year gone by

So I realized the other day that it's now been a year since I started blogging on myspace. A lot happened during that year, so like any idiot, I went back and read all my blogs. Some reminded me of things I hadn't thought of since I wrote them, some reminded me that I should proofread, and some made me wonder why I wrote them in the first place. Which made me wonder......why blog at all?

For me, the answer is simple. I like to write. And if I'm going to write, I should probably write about the thing I know the most about: myself. I try and stay away from writing opinions, because I know writing about my thoughts on religion or politics will only anger people who read this. I'm not trying to use the internet as my own personal soap box. It's a place for me to record the weird, funny, and important moments in my life.....and toss in an online survey (or 2, or 3, or 4.....).

In other news.....donuts are ruining my day lately. Nothing symbolizes the saying "a blessing and a curse" moreso than the maple bar. In the past two weeks, I have not had anything traditionally considered fast food. I've had Quiznos once, and pizza a few times, but no McDonalds, Buger King, Wendy's, etc. I've been packing a lunch for the first time since my mom used to do it for me in middle school. Turns out it's not as bothersome as I had envisioned it to be. Only takes about five minutes to throw a pb&j together, toss in some yogurt, carrot sticks, a few granola bars, and a jell-o cup. Way healthier, tasty, and provides just enough satisfaction to last me until I get home at night.

However, the donut still impedes my healthy eating. Our office sets some sort of record for donuts provided. No joke, 3 times a week we have donuts in the office. And I can't say no to a good ol' glazed, or the maple bar in all it's rectangular glory. I try, but the siren song coming from the noblest of all pastries is too great for me to resist. One day I will learn to overcome the donut, but right now.....I am its humblest of servants. Funny the things that come to hold such power over us. I haven't felt this helpless around something since the time Grant cracked open a Pepsi, sat it down in front of me and said he'd give me $20 if I didn't drink it.

After 20 seconds, I got all sweaty and nervous thinking about a perfectly good Pepsi going flat and said to hell with the money.

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