Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Car Sitters

I've noticed a disturbing trend recently.....people who sit in their cars on their lunch break. I understand the need to get away from your desk for a while. But c' you're really 'trading up' for the front seat of your Camry with a steering wheel jammed in your face? It'd make more sense to sit in the passenger side, but I think this would look so ridiculous that nobody would ever do it. At lunch, there's at least 3 different people that I've seen sitting in their cars. Today it was 33 degrees. And you're in your car? Only way that's comfortable is if you turn the sucker on. Then you're wasting gas AND killing the environment. Not to mention you're in a transportation vehicle and you're STATIONARY. The car was not designed for such use. Why not just stay at your desk? Or go to the break room? If you don't want anyone to bother you, put some headphones on. Doesn't matter if you're actually listening to anything....just put 'em on! I don't understand this at all. If you're a car-sitter, I just want to know the benefits of such action, because I see none.

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