Friday, January 12, 2007

Thank you one and all

Every once in a while, I feel like I do way too many surveys. I feel like I'm writing the same answers to the same questions and that I'm just clogging up people's bulletin lists. And just about the time I start to feel this way, I get an email or a comment from someone telling me how much they enjoy my surveys. So thank you. I'm glad they entertain you.....I don't think I'd do them if people didn't enjoy them. I mean, I know all the answers already. It's not like I save all these bulletins and go back and read them to myself to get a little chuckle. Way back before myspace, when email was the preferred method of surveying, I used to save other people's surveys. I'd go back and read through them from time to time. I love 'em. It's like you get to interview one of your friends and get caught up on what's going on with them in like 5 minutes. That way, if I happen to run into some of these people, I have something to discuss with them.

In an ideal world, I'd be able to go out to eat with every one of my MySpace friends once a week and get all caught up. It's not a reality. Some of you people, I haven't seen in months. Others, I haven't seen in years. One of my friends I haven't seen since I was in middle school. Yet because of MySpace, I know what he's up to. How great is that?

But isn't that why we're all here? We're not here to see how many friends we have. We're not here to see how popular we are, or brag about how great our lives are. Well, maybe that's why the high school age people are here. But we're here to keep in contact with the people who somehow impacted our lives, and to keep them updated on ours. It's allowed me to reconnect with some people I might not have ever seen again. Or maybe if I would've seen them, I'd have been so clueless as to what to say to them that I might've just let them walk by without saying hello. But now, I can be like "hey, I saw you got a job doing such and such, how's that going?" My 10 year reunion is this summer (I think we're having one, though I haven't heard much on it), and to be honest, I don't think there's one person I graduated with that I really kept in contact with. I keep in contact with JR, but then again, he didn't exactly graduate on time. Because of MySpace, I've been able to keep up with a few people, and I think it'll make the reunion a whole hell of a lot less awkward at the start.

Other people, I didn't really know before myspace. They were friends of friends - people I rarely came in contact with, and when I did, it was kind of strange because we knew each other, but we didn't know what to talk about. Because of MySpace, I know a lot more about them, and I'm able to have better conversations with these people when I do come in contact with them.

This blog turned out way longer than I intended it to be when I started it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you guys. You all have fascinating lives, and it's incredibly interesting to me to find out where you are and what you're doing and who with and all that jazz. Keep in touch!

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