Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Is it December yet?

So it's been one and a half work days since we started the new year. Already there's nothing to do. This is freaking insane. I have 11 months of this to look forward to. Last year, up until June wasn't so bad, because I was brand new here and didn't know what the heck was going on. So it took me three or four times as long to do things as it does now. So here I sit, with four hours of time to kill before I can go home. How did my life come to this - 27 years old, with a job that requires so little of me?

I know there's nothing good that can come from playing the "what if" game. For instance, what if I'd tried to find a small college to play baseball or basketball at out of high school? Chances are I'd be in a lot better shape right now than I am, I'd probably have got a degree a lot quicker because I would've stayed on top of my coursework to stay eligible, and as a result have a little less debt and a better job, thanks to a few more years in the work world. On the flip side, I'd never have met some of my best friends, almost certainly wouldn't have met and married Rachel, and I would not be the avid OSU fan I am today. All three of those things happen to be very important to me.

Besides, if I'd been a college athlete, there's a distinct chance I would've experimented with drugs and/or alcohol at some point, probably had unprotected sex with a disease-ridden jersey chaser, and I'd probably have an over inflated ego, causing me to be a total dick to everyone not in my circle of friends.

I think I made the right decision. Sometimes it doesn't feel like I did, but the "what if" game always brings me back to reality.

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