Friday, March 4, 2005

Hey Dirtay! Baby I got your money.

First week of work is in the books....23 hours. It's weird being able to say I worked 7 hours and am home by 1 pm. It's insane. Makes for some early nights...hard to stay up to watch shows that start at 9.....but other than that it's alright.

More signs that I don't quite "connect" with the people I work with - James was telling me that he jumped his car last night. I was like "oh that sucks, did you have jumper cables handy or have to wait for someone?" He looks at me like I'm a moron, and tells me he hit this hill on a backroad going 125 and caught air. What kind of psycho hits a hill at 125 mph? Said he almost died, and he said it with a tinge of honor in his voice. Good job dude, maybe next time you can try it at 140.

Rachel's interview went pretty well yesterday it sounds like. From what she said, it sounds like by the end of the interview it was less interview and more friendly chat between people. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get offered the job. Although what do I know.....I thought I was a lock for the last two jobs I interviewed for.

Went to Philly's last night for dinner with Rachel and JR. I love that place. If I ever open a bar, I want it to be pretty similar to that. Plus the cheesesteaks are amazing. It was a really good time. People can say what they want about JR, but that guy has always had my back. I'm excited about the prospects of getting to hang out with him more if Rachel does take this job and we do in fact move up to Portland. I do wish he didn't smoke so much weed, but then again maybe he wouldn't if he hung out with people who didn't smoke it....i.e. Rachel and I.

Having to say goodbye to Rachel last night as she headed back down to Corvallis was tough. It's only been 3 days since I "moved out" on her, and I kinda got this really crummy feeling after she left, like I wasn't going to get to see her forever. I hope that someday I can do as much for her and be as patient with her as she's been with me. I doubt it'll happen since she's got her life way more together than I do, but if something ever happens, I'm going to be there for her no matter what. I think that's the least I owe her.

More church signs I saw last night -

*Nothing wrong ever happens at the right time.

*Plan ahead - It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

Enjoy your weekend......I know I will! I can sleep in past 4 am!

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