Friday, March 18, 2005

Bracket busters and security guards

Who told Vermont it was ok to ruin 98 percent of the brackets in the nation?

I should've known not to ride Syracuse when all of the "experts" picked them to go to the final four. When was the last time a 4 seed was the favorite coming out of their region? Stupid stupid stupid. Now I'm down a final four team. Fortunately so are most people. Although my heart has almost skipped a beat 8 or 9 times already. We really could see a 7,8,9 maybe even a 12 seed in the final four this year. The teams are that even. Once my bracket goes to hell, I always root for the underdogs. So you'll soon see me on the NC State, UAB and UW-Milwaukee bandwagons. But not Vermont. Those bastards caused me too much pain.

So I worked an OSU baseball doubleheader today. Usually that means an afternoon in the sun watching the game alone. I only sold 39 tickets today. Total. For two games. Yet I got 6 hours of pay out of it. Anyways, like I was saying, that usually means a day in the sun enjoying the game by myself. And I almost got it.....except it was cold and overcast and I had a psycho security guard next to me that didn't shut up the entire time. Cue Andy's rant on security.....

Who hires these people? Half of them are old, crippled or overweight women. Not that those people shouldn't have jobs, but how exactly do expect these people to restrain fans from rushing the field or tearing down the goalposts? What college student is going to say "dude, don't bring that flask to the game.....that old crippled woman will be watching!" It's a joke. Now there's some security guards that are great. Some of them are nice people, good at their jobs, and have a good head on their shoulders. There's one lady in particular that I really like. She's not physically imposing, yet she has that motherly quality that makes you respect her when she says something. She's good at her job. There's another guy that's good at the job, yet he takes it way too seriously.....inspecting tickets and booting people out of seats that have sat empty for the first half of the game. That's not necessary.

Then there's the lady that makes herself a part of your conversation whether you invite her to or not. One game, Lesley and I were sitting there talking about something, and this lady just interjects that her nephew tried to commit suicide, and her other nephew when he gets mad likes to use his own head as a basketball on the driveway. What is wrong with this lady? Apparently more than you'd think. Nicole informed me Wednesday that this lady had told her that "a poltergeist shoved me down the stairs and that's how I broke my arm." A poltergeist! Not a ghost, not the spirit of my dead grandma, a POLTERGEIST! Nicole was so shocked, she asked the lady what a poltergeist was just to make sure that she didn't mean some sort of animal or something. But no, this lady was convinced that a ghost shoved her down the stairs.

All of this is leading up to the guy I worked with today. He told whopper after whopper. From the college roommate of his who was offered a B average in his classes and $1500 a month to play baseball for Cal-Berkeley, to the friend who was paid by UTEP to keep it's basketball players out of trouble, to watching German soccer league games as a fourth grader in the snow through a knothole while his dad was in the army, to his grandpa taking him up in his vintage plane and flying into the crater of Crater Lake. All of these whoppers led up to him telling me that he heard Mt. Saint Helens erupt back in 1980. He was in Ashland. He claimed he was on his way to class. I checked. The eruption occurred on May 18, a Sunday that year. Riiiiight dude. He talked the entire game. He would've talked the entire second game too, but I was saved by rain. What a maroon.

In other news, I decided to download a new wallpaper for my phone. I had a program that was called "college and greek logos." Sweet! I can get a beaver logo for my phone! So I pony up the $1.99 to download it. They don't have OSU logos. I had to download a Wisconsin logo. My phone will never forgive me.

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