Sunday, May 7, 2006

Cinco de Holla!

So Cinco de Mayo was great. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays. I wonder what Mexicans think of Americans embracing the independence of Mexico while trying to shoo them all out of our country? I guess it is a little weird that a bunch of native Oregonians all get together and drink tequilla and listen to mariachi music in celebration of the defeat of the French by our neighbor to the south, but I promise you we mean no disrespect. We just like having an excuse to party. If I could organize it, I'd party on whatever day the canadians broke free from the crown.

Anyways, Grant, JR, Joel, Steve, Dave and I all met up at Garth's place in Beaverton. We listened to a few mexican cds, drank some tequilla (pepsi for me) and even played a slightly dirty version of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" I believe we called it, "Pin the Chica on the Burro." Of course Dave made us all go to Ole Ole for dinner. What he forgot to mention is that Ole Ole only takes cash - no checks or cards. That left most of us out in the cold. Dave's strange solution to this problem was to pay for some of us, but not others. That's why he's Dave. The guy gets so excited about specific eateries that he kind of forgets about everything else. His only goal is to get that food in his belly. When we went to the Fiesta Bowl in 2001, we almost missed kickoff of the game because Dave was willing to wait 2 hours in the drive thru for some In n' Out. The only way we were able to pry him out of there was to promise him we'd drive the 25 miles back out there after the game. Thus I got my first taste of In n' Out at 12:30 AM on January 2, 2001.

Other highlights of the weekend included stopping by my dad's house to say hi just in time for him to employ Grant and myself in a post-hole digging endeavor. So while Garth and Dave watched the OSU baseball game and napped, Grant and I were out in the yard digging holes for the fenceposts we're putting in. In my family, being a son gives you the right to indentured servitude. My kids are gonna love me.

We also got fitted for tuxes. Joel tried to embellish his height a little, and the girl measuring him giggled and goes "awww that's adorable." That killed me. Almost as much as Dave telling the guy not to measure him, because he knew he was a 44 long. He wasn't.

So Rachel's still gone, and I'm still bored. I'm halfway through a Date my Mom marathon on MTV. This show is so fake, so dirty, and so ridiculous that I can't stop watching. The lines these people say are so contrived it's like watching community theater. When some girl's mom will say "I like 'em long and with a lot of meat" just to get on tv, you know society is out of whack. (She was referring to crab legs, by the way

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