Friday, May 12, 2006

Be forewarned....

I'm not a happy camper right now. I try as hard as possible not to just bitch to my blog and my blog reading public, but as there's no one around right now, and JR and Joel both failed to answer their phones, this is my sounding board.

So last week I had a pretty rough week at work. It seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn't get anything to go my way. This week however, I felt like I was kicking butt. I wasn't making the stupid mistakes I made last week, and I was being much more efficient. In short, I was rolling. My coworker was going through some personal problems, so she wasn't really much help at all this week. Anyways, I was going like a house of fire today. I was doing the deposit, coding gifts, and preparing the cash to go to the bank this evening. So I'm doing like three things at once and going pretty well. Well, right before I'm about to leave, my boss comes in with a batch report. I'd put in that this guy had donated 72.23 shares instead of 73.23 shares. Granted, it's something that needs to be corrected, and that's what I'm supposed to do. But she says "you know, maybe you shouldn't enter batches in the deposit room. With the radio and the students in here, it's just too distracting." So despite the fact that I'm kicking ass this week, and this is pretty much my only mistake the entire week (to my knowledge) I'm not paying attention? And the radio is the reason I transposed one fucking number? Not cool. I was a little pissed that I've been busting my ass all week, and got no "good job this week Andy" or "way to pick it up over last week" or "thanks for covering for Carla when she was gone." No, I get "you don't pay enough attention."

Shit like that is the reason people aren't motivated to do their best at work.

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