Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Been a few days since I've updated my little blog....the beast needs to be fed.

Went and saw Freedomland last night. I've never seen a movie like that in my life. I still can't decide if it was good or awful. The first half of the movie, I was extremely frustrated. The second half of the movie I was just straight pissed off. Now if a movie can elicit such strong emotions, you'd think it was good. But damn if I can figure out what the hell the point of that movie was. I don't want to ruin it in case any of y'all want to see it, but I'd be interested to know what anyone else thought of it.

If I can find out who put in the stop light at 35th and Harrison, I'm going to pee on their porch. That is the worst light in Corvallis. Not only is it unneccesary, it's timed terribly. I mean, Corvallis is what 150 years old? And there's never been a light there. People seemed to get along with their lives just fine. Now they've got this stupid light where sometimes you're just sitting there, no other cars in sight, and you're staring at a red light. I use that intersection on a regular basis, and I never EVER thought "geez a light is really needed here." It's the most worthless thing ever. Right up there with the second stop sign they added on Monroe. Thank God that only lasted a year or so.

Speaking of driving....police in Corvallis are now starting to enforce the pedestrian law. The pedestrian law basically says if there's a person waiting to cross the street, you've gotta stop and let them go. I don't have a problem with this rule - 9 times out of 10 I'd stop anyways. But now pedestrians seem to not only assume that you WILL stop but now they think your car can stop FASTER too. Brown Sugar has shitty breaks and it weighs a crapload. I can't stop fast. So a memo to ballsy pedestrians....I once hit a guy on Monroe in the Mustang. That was an accident. The next time it won't be. (Yes, the guy was alright.......it was mostly a love tap. He walked out of my blind spot at a stop sign, and when I saw him, my foot slipped and I hit the gas instead of the brake and popped him up on my hood. No harm done, we both apologized.)

Some genius that dove into a few inches of water at a frat party last year and paralyzed himself is suing the frat, OSU and the city of Corvallis for medical costs and lost wages. He's suing for $50 million dollars. I didn't realize the guy was planning on winning powerball for a living. Let's see here....you wandered by a frat party you weren't invited to, saw a pool in the front yard, and decided it'd be a good idea to dive headfirst into it and snapped your neck. And you're suing the city because it was their water in the pool? You're suing OSU because the frat is affiliated with it? You're suing the frat for creating an unsafe environment? If it was unsafe, why'd you jump in? It sounds to me like this guy doesn't have a leg to stand on. Ok that was mean. But you see my point.

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