Friday, June 9, 2006

Good Day

Today was filled with strange things. Even though it seemed like there wasn't a whole lot to do at work, I still felt like I was rushing to get everything done on time. Maybe that's just because I was ready for the week to be over. My coworker who shall remain nameless left early again....but not before she told me she's coming in late on Monday.

At lunch I went to the Corvallis Sports Park to take in a little World Cup Soccer. I learned one important thing....either Ecuadorians care way more about their soccer than the Polish, or a lot more people move here from South America than Europe. The crowd was decidedly pro-Ecuador. There were a few guys with Ecuador jerseys on. That's what makes the world cup so don't find that kind of passion about other sports at all. I think the closest thing in the US to the pandemonium seen in other countries for the World Cup would be March Madness....only it doesn't even come close to comparing.

After work, Robyn and I went to the driving range, where I peppered the netting along the left side of the range with shocking regularity. Quite a few of my balls cleared the net, and the sound of ball striking tree was heard fairly often. When I was leaving, I wondered how many of the little yellow balls in the field to the left of the road had my name on them.

Then, as I pulled onto 34, the girl in the car in front of me seemed to be flailing her right arm violently as she was driving. I mean, she was really whipping that arm around. It looked like she was trying to fight off some killer mosquito or something. Then I got a little closer and realized that her "arm" was really her dog's tail, which from a distance seemed to look like her arm to me. It might be time for new glasses.

But the funniest thing was the letter Rachel got in the mail. She had ordered a gift certificate from a restaurant for her parents. The address should've looked like this:

Rachel Persinger

2614 NW Garryanna Dr. Apt 5

Corvallis, OR 97330

What the address said was :

Racheal Sterginger

2614 NW Garriay Dr. Apt 5

Corzallis, OR 97330

How that found us, I have no clue, but just reading it makes me crack up.

The evening was fairly ho hum, until I got a call from Garth telling me that the hotel had told him they're booked for the night of our wedding. This just isn't true, and I'm about to rip the head off the next Salbasgeon Suites employee who tells someone this. This is the one thing that doesn't seem to be going right for the wedding, no matter how much effort we put into it, and I'm not happy. I'd highly recommend boycotting. Now that Arby's is off the banned Corvallis establishments list, I suppose there's room for a hotel.

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