Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Another bear leaves the forest

So last night my friend Steve calls. I had called him earlier regarding his hotel reservation for my wedding, so I figured he was calling to talk about that and possibly the OSU baseball game. So I just start rambling about sports and stuff for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then finally he goes "actually the reason I called is that I got engaged on Saturday, and we're thinking of getting married in September." Talk about coming out of left field! I mean, he'd told me that they were talking about marriage, but Rachel and I probably talked about marriage a year into our relationship, if not sooner, and it still took me another full year to actually get to a point where I felt ready to do it. Plus, trying to plan a wedding in 2 and a half months? Good luck buddy. I have a feeling I won't be talking to him much between now and then.

A lot of people like it when their boss is on vacation. They can coast at work, kind of goof off, sneak out early, whatever. Not me. Nobody was more excited to have their boss back at work than me yesterday. While she was gone, I had to pretty much assume her role, and all of a sudden I have people coming to me asking me all these strange questions and stuff. It was a very stressful week. Yesterday was like a holiday it was so easy. I was able to just sit there and do all my dumb $24,000 a year duties and I loved it (except the part about me making $24,000 a year.) We're going to have to do something about that here sometime

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