Friday, April 28, 2006

The evacuation of the OSU Foundation

Reason #345 why Oregon is cooler than other states: The first Friday with nice weather everyone begs off work, and usually has their request granted.

You'd think that a fire broke out in the building the way people flew out of here today. I'd say we're down at least 25% of our normal work force today, for no other reason than it's Friday and it's nice out. Sadly, as I haven't hit the six month mark yet, my PTO is worth diddly poo. So here I sit, writing a blog, and getting paid for it! I always thought a job where you didn't do much and got paid for it would be great, but it really makes the day drag. I'd much rather have a job that kept me busy and on my toes for 8 hours a day than this crap. It's so ridiculous. At this point I'm trying not to do any more work today so I have stuff to do on Monday.

Tonight is the annual OSU Spring Awards Banquet, where they honor alumni and what not. I go every year because one of the awards, The EB Lemon Distinguished Alumni Award, is given in honor of my great-grandpa. He was the dean of Administration here, and founded the almuni magazine The Oregon Stater. Kinda cool, although I feel kinda strange at this big fancy dinner with basically a who's who at OSU and then there's a table of my family. I'm going to buy a tie right after work for the event, because I realized this week that I don't even own a tie at this point in my life. Definitely time to get one.

The Quiznos Prime Rib sandwich is quite possibly the greatest assemblage of meat, bread and onions since....well ever. Enjoy your weekend

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