Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Invitation Blues

Invitations. You wouldn't think it'd be that big of an issue, but my goodness. I think Rachel's been working on the invitations since day one. First getting the right design. Then figuring out wording. Then you've got the problems of my parents being divorced and how to display their names. Do you put Dale Lasselle and Louise Runkle? Do you say Dale Lasselle and Mr. and Mrs. Runkle? Does anyone really care?

Well we decided we were going to print them off at Kinkos last weekend. That is, until we figured out that it costs 89 cents a copy! If you're printing off invitations, response cards, etc. You're looking at almost $200! How is that saving money over ordering them from a catalog? So we go to Staples. They offer 39 cent color copies. That is, unless you're printing on cardstock. Apparently it costs more money to print on a different style of paper. Why that is, I have no clue. You don't need to use a different printer, different ink, different anything. So the paper costs more, I get that, but why can't we supply our own paper? That doesn't make a difference in the price.

Speaking of Staples, you know the commercials with the "EASY" buttons? Well, they actually sell easy buttons now for $5. Basically it's just a button that you click and then it says "that was easy." That's it. Nothing really to it, just a gimmicky gift. Well, we are returning some stuff that we didn't need, and the guy is having a hell of time figuring out his own register. He called a manager for help, but the guy didn't come. He kept getting more and more frustrated, and I really almost handed the guy an easy button and said "here, you look like you could use this." I really wish I would've now, but the poor guy looked so distraught that I didn't want to make his day any worse.

Just heard on the radio that OSU has disbanded its cheerleading program. It will be replaced by "a spirit squad of students wearing khakis and polos." I think we just stepped into the 1940's ladies and gentlemen!

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