Friday, July 13, 2007


Coming back for a full work week after being on vacation for 10 days is tough. This has been one long week. Maybe that explains the dream I had the other night:

I lived in this little prairie town in the 1850's, and somehow we got into an argument with a neighboring town. So everyone in our town started marching towards the other town. They did the same. We met them on this dusty mountain road about half-way. All of a sudden a referee comes out and says "How many are you?" to our side. We respond "300 strong!" He asks they other side. "Nearly 1,000!" they say. The referee looks back at us and says "good luck!"

The rules of the battle were ridiculous. Everyone got one shot, and we took turns. So basically in order for this to be a draw, we'd have to kill roughly 3 people with every shot, while hoping they missed a few times. Then maybe one person would survive this ridiculous battle. Anyways, we won the toss and got to shoot first. So this little old lady with a bonnet on pulls out her rifle, walks about 10 feet away from the other townspeople, and fires. Only her gun jams. "Too bad," says the ref. "Ok, your turn!" So this guy walks up and guns down the old lady. it's now 1,000 vs. 299. We take another shot, and again the gun jams. Again, another of our people bites the dust. 1,000 vs. 298. I don't know how long this went on, but every time our side took a shot, something went wrong and we just kept on dying. Then I saw this pregnant lady on our side, and I just started crying uncontrollably. "We're all gonna die!" I scream and just collapse on the side of the road, waiting for my turn to get shot. Then I woke up.

Not my favorite dream of all time.

In other, less morbid news, Rachel has suspended me from mail duties until further notice. After leaving my mailbox key in the mailbox and having it returned by some nice man for the 4th time this year, she finally decided I am unfit to retrieve the mail from our box. Basically a 4 year old could get our mail, but I can't. And yet she married me. I must be doing something right but trust me, I don't know what it is.

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