Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Acceptable? You make the call

So there's a new Take N' Bake pizza joint in town. It's called New York, New York. Real original. Anyways, they name their pizzas after different New York landmarks and/or areas. For instance, they have pizzas called the Empire, the Brooklyn, the Harlem, and Liberty. They also have one called the NYPD. As far as I can tell, all the pizzas involve lots of meats and don't seem to have any discerning characteristics of their namesakes.

But the real problem is they have a pizza called the Twin Towers. Is this ok? I really don't know. I'm sure they will tell you it's in tribute, but do you really want to think about one of the worst days in our lifetimes everytime you order a pizza? Furthermore, why is a half hawaiian, half pepperoni pizza a Twin Tower? Because they're the two most popular pizzas? Maybe. But I really don't think I'm ok with this. I may boycott the place just based on this whole Twin Tower Pizza thing. What do you think?

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