Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Metrosexual? Me?

So I'm bored at work (surprise surprise) My co-worker is sick yet again. The prevailing rumor is that her cat gave her pneumonia. My guess is that it's the one day variety of pneumonia. I've never heard of a cat with pneumonia before, but then again, she just had a cat with hepatitis, so you learn something new every day right?

Anyways, I've been doing what I normally do on slow, boring days....screw around on myspace. On the way into work today, I heard Fergie's "Glamorous" on the radio. It got stuck in my head so I decided to add it to my page so I could listen to it on the computer at work. Then I started messing with my layout. Given my love of bears, it's no secret that I've had Yogi and Pooh as my background lately. However, I wasn't really thrilled with my layouts of late...makes it hard to read text and such. So I tried to find a premade one. And pow...here's a great one of Pooh helping Piglet pick an apple out of a tree. The symbolism of this is great: I'm Pooh and Rachel's Piglet. I'm the big rolly poly bear, and she's my sidekick who's always so cold she needs to wear a sweater and is too short to reach the healthy apple which she so desires! I'm not going to be able to write a thesis on the symbolsim here, but you can see the parallels.

Anyways, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself for finding all this great stuff. Only now I'm looking at the finished project and I'm thinking "If anyone stumbles across this page, it is going to scream one of two things....either I'm the most feminine man alive, or I'm a 12 year old girl who lied about her age so she could meet an 18 year old boy from Canada on MySpace. Either way, it doesn't exactly look manly.

I guess I'm not a manly guy though. When I lived in Colorado, all the mountain bike patrol guys thought I was gay. In high school I always got the "guys suck......but not you Andy. You're not like most guys" speech from my female friends. I feel like I need to rip out some chest hair or something and visit a monster truck rally to ramp up my manliness. Maybe go sit in the quad and whistle at the co-eds as they walk by on their way to class. Maybe go try and lift something heavy while eating a steak rare. (All of these things sound really not interesting to me by the way. Except for the steak.)

So what does my page say to you? Does it say I watch the Bravo channel? Does it say "he wears pink?" Does it say he wants to be a woman? Or does it just say "Andy's different, and I'm cool with that."

**Editors Note** After posting this, "Glamorous" met the dreaded "Song has been Deleted by Artist" fate. It's back now. Also, Grant has graciously and politely pointed out that Pooh is helping Piglet get a pear, not an apple.

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