Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Today blows

I woke up this morning with some weird scratch on my chin. I don't think it happened during the basketball game last night, because I think either Rachel or I would've noticed it. So apparently she scratched me while sleeping last night. Or I scratched myself. Probably the latter. Then I get in Brown Sugar, which smells extra gassy, and head to work with the intention of getting gas at the Shell station on 9th.

I ran out of gas on 99 just as you turn onto Conifer. So I had to push the truck out of harms way, then walk to the gas station and get the can filled up. Turns out, that can has a leak. So I had to walk back to the truck with a full 6 gallon gas can held upside down practically over my head. It was basically the baton death march. My arms are a little wobbly still.

Anyways, I got gassed up and made to to work half an hour late, but now not only do I have gas fumes on me, I have actual gas. I'm probably making it very uncomfortable for everyone even remotely close to me. Hell, I can't even stand the smell of myself.

I hate today.

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