Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Another trip around the sun

So when do you become old? Do you remember which birthday made you go "damn, how did that happen?" This is that birthday for me. August 8, 2006 is the day Andy Lasselle finally felt old. I never really had issue with the aging process until today. All of a sudden, I realized that I'm 27, working a job I'm not really satisfied with, and my hopes of ever dunking a basketball again (I did it once in high school, just once) are flying farther out the window with every second.

So how do you combat these feelings of mortality? Some people stay up all night watching movies like they did when they were younger. Some relive the college days by binge drinking and sleeping in 'til 2 pm the next day. Some buy a fancy sports car.

Me, I'm going back to school.

Yup you read that right. I'm 99% sure I'm going back to school. No offense to anyone that makes $25,000 a year (I know it's a reality for most of us) but I just don't want to settle for that. And with the way I frittered away my first stint in college, I owe it to myself to go back and be a STUDENT rather than just "go to college." And believe me, I went to college. I probably went to college more than most people. I spent 7 years meeting people, attending sporting events, partying, hitting the bars on Thursdays, flirting with the sorority girls across the street, eating at Shari's twice in a 4 hour period....once at 2 am on our way home, and again at 6 am to kick off a road trip to California.

So cross your fingers and take a deep breath. I'm going back to try and better myself and provide a more financially stable future for me and my wife.

Happy birthday, Andy, here's some homework.

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