Friday, July 1, 2005


I know I promised an update when I got home from Jacksonville, but there's been a few issues with my computer since then....namely a vicious bug that almost put me down for the count. thought I was gonna lose everything....all my music, all my pictures. Fortunately, I was able to salvage them, but my computer just hasn't been the same this week.....runs a little slower, programs shutting down for no reason, stuff like that. Seems to be getting better as the week goes on it's shaking off the rust or something.

Work this week was a little rough. It seems like forever since I worked a full 5 day week. It's getting pretty tedious in there. I wish that Sam Health would pull their heads out of whatever they've got them in and let me know if they're going to hire me or not. Seriously, it's been almost 6 weeks since I interviewed, and I haven't heard squat other than "we haven't made a decision yet, but we'll let you know." What is that? If they weren't offering significantly more than what I'm making now, I'd tell 'em off and then run through their HR department clotheslining the women and suplexing any men that got in my way. Just basically go Ultimate Warrior on them.

Found out the Ticket Office isn't even going to give me an interview. You think they'd find me somewhat qualified to do a job that I basically spent the past two years doing, but I guess not. Word is that the ticket director had already hand picked some guy that used to work for him back at Iowa for the job, and that there really wasn't a chance to get it in the first place. Which is fine, I just wish he'd had the common courtesy to let me know that. That was the point of me sending him an email telling him I was planning to apply. Very professional, dickwad.

Funny story from work....Yesterday, I went to the restroom around 1:30. It was at that point I realized that my zipper had been down on my khakis since I put them on. Apparently nobody noticed, or nobody felt like telling me. Hilarious though that I spent all day talking to people with total confidence in my voice while my proverbial barn door was wide open. I mentioned this to a few people, who said they didn't notice. I remarked that it was good thing that I wore underwear that day.....which apparently is not "work appropriate" as I was soon told. No matter, everyone got a good laugh.

I don't understand our workplace though. We are in medical records. Our records room is strictly off limits to patients, meaning we have very little contact with the general public. Yet apparently we're not allowed to listen to fun music. I put in a little Kris Kross today, not loud or anything, and people just freaked out. You can't play looks bad. To who? Sorry if I want to have a little fun at work. I don't understand the concept that you can't have fun and still do a good job. I'm not trying to brag, but I think I'm just about the most efficient person there, and I do an excellent job. Yet people also seem to think I goof off all the time. Go figure. I guess I don't think that the term "professionalism" excludes having a good time. I'm always polite on the phone, adhere to the dress code, meet my efficiency quotas, and follow all the guidelines. Nowhere in the policy does it say anything about not nodding your head and rapping along to "Jump Around" while you're working. Yet this seems to be taboo. I hate "the real world" Nobody has fun.

Well, I'm off to Lincoln City for the weekend. Plan is to come back early Monday and watch the fireworks over the Willamette River in downtown Corvallis on the 4th. Anyone who wants to join us is more than welcome. Peace, and I'm out. Happy Birthday Uncle Sam!

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