Friday, July 22, 2005

Been too long

I've been slacking. I know. I apologize. It's been a combination of it being hot and not spending as much time indoors (hanging out at the pool, etc), working full time now, the purchase of college football 2006 for the Xbox, and just general lack of enthusiasm for writing lately.

Last night I went to Red Robin with a bunch of people from work. It was a good time. It's nice to make new friends. Not that I'm abandoning my old friends at all, just it's nice to have some friends that live in town. Hopefully we can make this a regular thing, all of us going out to eat.

Work is still going well.....I'm hoping that when our lead leaves in a month or so, they'll promote me. I think I'm definitely qualified to be the lead, but I will admit that I have a problem being "professional." Especially in a job as mundane as medical records. If you're not having fun, that job would blow. So I like to have fun. Unfortunately, fun is not synonomous with professional. Despite the fact that I have some of the highest productivity numbers and overall knowledge of anyone there, I think they'll hesitate. Their loss's only a matter of time before I finally land a job elsewhere that pays something respectable.

The Angels beat the Yankees last night thanks to the Black Genie's grand slam. As much as that guy drives me insane with his swing-so-hard your-helmet-falls-off-and-you miss-the-changeup-by-nine-feet hitting approach, suspect fielding and third grade education (yes that's a fact. He's barely literate in English and Spanish. Hence the fact he rarely does an interview.) He is extremely clutch. He deserved to be the MVP last year. He singlehandedly carried the Angels to the playoffs. Yet I still find it hard to cheer for the guy. And I will never forgive him for sitting out after getting hit in the non throwing arm by a ball thrown from third to second while running. Suck it up.

SportsCenter's 50 states in 50 days gimmick is a good one. I find myself watching just for the random facts about Idaho and Alaska. For instance, it's illegal to throw a live moose from a moving plane in Alaska. You don't hear that stuff on the regular SportsCenter.

Highlights of the summer so far: Fourth of July weekend at the beach with Rachel, Vince's wedding in Jacksonville.

Predicted future highlights: OSU football season opener at revamped stadium, Diana's wedding in Baltimore, Rachel's family coming to visit.

Biggest downer of the summer: Finding out a friend had skin cancer removed from her arm the other day. Please don't ask me who, I'm don't feel comfortable telling people without her permission. And I'm not going to ask "hey is it ok to tell people you have cancer?"

Little highlight of the day......finding out my speeding ticket was reduced from $201 to $106.

Little highlight of the day #2...getting sent home from work 2 hours early.

And now a question.....say you're stuck in an elevator alone with a totally attractive person of the opposite sex. You just ate a chili-dog, or some other stomach-turning delicacy. You know that passing gas is inevitable, if not imminent. Do you A) Just wait til it happens, then pretend like you don't know what happened and blame it on burning grease on the elevator cables, B) Do the deed and then apologize, or C) Politely warn them ahead of time that you've got a bad case of the bubble-guts and apologize in advance, or D) Challenge them to a farting contest, with the winner getting $100?

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