Monday, July 11, 2005

Movin' on up!

Well the move is complete. Really only took us a day and a half. We started moving stuff right after work on Friday. Dad and Grant came down to help, and with their help and extra truck, we were able to get mostly everything over here and in the apartment by 9:30. That included a half hour break to eat some pizza. Rachel and I were up 'til one moving stuff around before we quit for the night. The next morning we got up, put some more stuff together and in place before making a trip to Salem. Bed Bath and Beyond here in town didn't have the shower curtain Rachel had been wanting to get for like two months, so we drove to Linen n' Things in Salem. Aparently this was an important purchase. I must admit, it does look pretty good. We also picked up a few lamps for the front room with bear and moose lampshades. I love the woodsy look of our front room. Very cozy.

About 5 pm, we realized we'd left a few things over at our old apartment. The bitch of the thing was that we'd already turned in our keys, and the office was closed for the weekend. I remembered Grant telling me that you could just jiggle the handle on any door in that complex and it'd open. I figured it was worth a shot. So we head over and start jiggling the handle. 10 seconds later, the damn thing popped open. 10 seconds! That made me feel real safe. No point in even having a lock on the door. Might as well have just had screen doors on the place. After reclaiming our misplaced items, we put the finishing touches on our apartment. I really like what we've done with the place. Not only is it bigger, but we're using more of it. In the old place, we had two bedrooms, but we really only used one. The other one sat completely unused. Now we have the computer in the other bedroom, as sort of an office. Taking the computer out of the front room really opens it up.

Ironically, Rachel and I made the master bedroom the office. Yes it's bigger, but the closet also houses the water heater, which severely hampers the amount of space for clothes. So we took the smaller bedroom as our own. All we do is sleep in there anyways, so we don't need a ton of room. I'm excited for people to come over and see what we've done with the place. Just need more friends that actually live in town......

The only bummer is that now I'm close enough to work that I can walk. It's a 20 minute walk, which isn't bad, but it will be when the rains start coming again. It will save me gas, which is huge, but crap....20 minutes in December when it's 38 degrees and I'm walking up a hill? F that. I guess I've got a few months before I have to worry about that.

Well it is monday, so I guess that means I should get dressed and ready for work. Enjoy your week y'all!

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