Wednesday, July 6, 2005

London 2012!!

London was awarded the 2012 Olympics.

Which in itself isn't that big of a deal. But when you couple it with what I heard on the news last night, it's pretty funny.

Remember during the 2000 election, when George Bush was caught on tape saying some reporter (I'm sure Joel knows his name) was a "major league asshole?" Well, apparently French president Jacques Chirac was unaware or just forgot that he was wearing a mic when he said of the Brits "we can't trust anyone whose food is so terrible. In fact, the only country with worse food is Finland." Apparently, two of the Olympic selection committee members were Finnish. London won the final vote 54-50. If the Fins had voted the other way, it would've been a 52-52 split. Nice going Jacques. You just cost your country the Olympics.

Why do people do this? Especially people of significance? You spend your entire life in the public eye, and you KNOW this. Do you think I'd be writing about killing Mexicans (note: I do not condone the killing of Mexicans) on my website if I were a public figure? Do you think I'd even swear? It's freaking amazing. When I goof like that, I might get a few dirty looks. Mr. Chirac just endangered the economic future of his country. All because he had to comment on British food. Whoops.

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