Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well I went over to Good Sam (again) to see what the deal was on that job I applied for. I finally got an answer! It was no. Apparently what happened was that patient financial services wanted to hire me, and HR wouldn't let them because I had no medical billing experience. So basically the people I would've been working for thought I was competent enough for the job, but someone who'd never met me wouldn't let them hire me because I "did not meet the minimum qualifications." I'm not trying to be a doctor here! I think I could learn medical billing in a matter of weeks. Absurd! The worst part is that it took them two months to tell me this. I asked about that, and the lady gave me some song and dance about how they're in the process of switching their applications from paper to electronic and "sometimes people get lost in the shuffle." I know I wasn't lost, because she pulled my application right off her f*cking desk! Not in a folder, not buried at the bottom of the pile...it was sitting on her desk pretty much in plain sight. Ridiculous.

In other news, why is it that so many nurses smoke? You'd think they of all people would be aware of the dangers and less likely to smoke. Yet an unusually large proportion of the nurses and medical assistants at the clinic smoke. I don't get it.

I guess there's a lot about this world that doesn't make sense to me.......

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