Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No amount of gin in the World

So about my sophomore year of college (the second one), we made a trip to the beach with a bunch of people from the dorms. There was probably 8 or 10 of us, including my friend Tommy who was in town visiting from Duke University. So we're all hanging out, drinking, having a good time. It was getting pretty late, and one by one people are starting to crap out and head to the bedrooms. Tommy, Joel and I had graciously volunteered to sleep on the floors to allow the girls to take the beds.

Well, Joel and Tommy had been having a conversation all night about which girl was better looking. Joel had a crush on Cydney that had been going on for a few weeks, and Tommy was instantly smitten with this girl Lizzy that none of us had ever met before. She had come with one of the other girls. Anyways, by this time, Tommy was pretty sauced and as we all snuck into a bedroom with the lights off to pass out on the floor, he decided to let his opinion be known one more time.

"I'm sorry Joel, but I don't see how you can think Cydney is better looking than Lizzy. There's no way! In the looks department, Lizzy kicks Cydney's ass!"

At this point we here some rustling in the bed, followed by some stomping and a slamming door. It appears that there was already someone in that room sleeping in the bed. And it just so happened to be Cydney. Now I thought this was pretty hilarious. Tommy was embarassed, and Joel was kind of pissed because this probably wasn't going to help his chances of hooking up with Cydney on the trip.

While we're sitting there trying to figure out what to do next, Cydney is telling the other girls what happened. At this point we hear Lizzy rather loudly go "Gross! No amount of gin in the world would make me hook up with Tommy!"

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