Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Beach trip story #3

Steve, JR, Joel, Grant and I are enjoying a relaxing weekend at the beach. Keep in mind that we were all single and a little bit irritable about that fact. It's about the laziest Saturday of all time. JR and Grant are playing Madden on the Xbox, I'm watching TV with Joel, and Steve decides to pick up a copy of National Geographic and read. He goes into the bedroom to read where there's less noise. When he comes out, JR makes some comment like "dude, you have a little spank-fest in there by yourself?" To which Steve replies "actually I was doing a little thing called reading. You should try it sometime." JR gets irrationally angry and makes some comment similar to "don't get bullish with me, I'll drop your ass with one punch." Steve, still thinking this is witty banter, nonchalantly flips open another magazine and says "ok dude, step up when you're ready."

All of a sudden, JR is flying across the room and shoves poor Steve straight over the back of the chair. At this point everyone's kind of in shock. Steve says something like "What the fuck?" and we're still not sure if we should laugh or fit JR for a straight jacket. JR's still got that "I've killed before, I'll kill again" look in his eyes, and I said something like "JR, you know he was joking right? Nobody wants to fight over a magazine." JR suddenly cools off, and says "I'm sorry, but where I come from, when somebody says 'Step up,' that means it's time to throw down." Joel gets this puzzled look on his face and goes "where exactly are you from? We all grew up in the same neighborhood and I knew Steve was joking." JR claims Sac-Town, his home til he was all of a year and a half old. This gets everyone laughing, and to this day, we still use "Step Up" anytime we're joking about anything.

I know this story makes JR look like an ass, and I apologize to him or anyone else that reads it. He's not a bad guy at all. I promise the next story will cast him in a much different light.

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