Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Can ya dig it?

I was able to download the entire 5 minute clip of Leroy Wells on American Idol onto my computer last week....I think I've watched it about 900 times since then. Never gets old. You'll remember him as the crazy guy with the crunk teeth that sang "baby I got your money" and told Simon he needs to "bob his head and get crunk."

My weekend was great....got to go golfing with my dad, Grant and Jerry. I shot a 50 on the back 9. Pretty good, considering I shot a 61 on the front. I probably average about a 58, so to shoot a 50 was pretty fantastic for me. Made me want to go golfing again.

Rachel's gone for the week, which means a whole lot of sitting around playing Xbox this week. I think I'd be having a great time if all my friends still lived in town, but as it is I'm pretty much the only one here. Grant's here, and we went to see "The Longest Yard" last night....pretty entertaining flick. I'm pretty disappointed with the humor being so focused on black vs. white. But then again it is a Chris Rock movie about a prison.....so what would you expect? I tried to rent the original one, of which I have only seen bits and pieces. Sadly, other people must've had the same idea, because I could not find it at Hollywood.

Oh and the highlight of the weekend might've been Dad's birthday dinner at Chili's. Don't let a group of 50 somethings drink margaritas...you end up singing happy birthday 7 TIMES! That didn't include the time the wait staff sang to him. I guess two parties asked to be moved because we were being "obnoxious." This is Chili's, not Chez Swanky Swank, people....learn to deal.

OSU is hosting a baseball regional this weekend. Of course now it's practically impossible to get tickets. I love people who decide they'll finally support the team when they're nationally recognized. I'm afraid this weekend is not going to do wonders for Oregon State's image. We'll see what happens. I'm a little leery about going, but I know I'll be kicking myself if I don't attend at least one game.

Well that's about all I got. When's Nikko Smith's album come out?

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