Tuesday, May 10, 2005


had this conversation at work today

girl at work: Man is it ever going to stop raining?
me: Any more of this and we're going to have to start rounding up two of every animal.
girl at work: *laughs* seriously.
me: Ya know....how cool would it have been to be Noah? Not only are you the smartest person on the planet because you were the only person that listened, but you also have all the animals on your boat if you want to hang out with elephants or koalas!
other, more scary girl: Or you could breed the lions then kill one and make yourself a fur coat!
(uncomfortable silence)
Me: Ummmmmm.....yeah.......

Other things from today:

~Due to the inability of Brown Sugar to start over the past few days, I have been forced to resort to public transportation. Nothing is scarier than "the bus." I have no clue what is so scary about busses, but I'm always terrified that I'll take the wrong one and end up so far from where I need to go that I won't be able to get back. Turns out it's not so bad. Although due to bus schedules I'm forced to get to work a half an hour early and, unless I leave work 5 minutes early, I have to wait a half an hour to catch a ride home. Either that or beg someone to give me a ride home.

~Everyone at work complains about country music, yet I hear them singing along with the songs...why?

~"What's a Guy Gotta Do" by Joe Nichols absolutely wins the award for "breakthrough performance by an artist Andy absolutely despises." It also is the first song ever that makes me want to square dance every time I hear it.

~It seems that nobody stays in medical records as an HIS Clerk I for more than a year. If I make it to a year and have not got promoted or anything, I think I will quit.

~Doug and Carrie Heffernan from CBS' "King of Queens" are absolutely the tv version of Andy and Rachel.

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