Wednesday, May 4, 2005


1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?

>I'd say the fact that I have Snow's "12 Inches of Snow" is pretty geeky.

2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
> I don't usually raid the fridge. I don't get hungry in the middle of the night. If I was that hungry, I'd go to Shari's or Jack in the Box, possibly La Conga.

3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
>Grumpier Old Men. When Jack Lemmon is sitting on the couch by the lake with a dead Burgess Merideth...gets me everytime.

4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
>Nothing....If I get that insecure about my own body, I'll see a counselor first.

5. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
>People sticking their finger in my belly button. Gives me the willies.

6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
>rocking back and forth shifting my weight from foot to foot.

7. Do you like to be on the top or bottom?
>bottom....I've fallen off the top bunk too many times in my life.

8. Do you have too many love interests?
>I'm a one woman man.

9. Do you know anyone famous?
>In high school, I had a class with former UCLA quarterback Cade McNown. I accidentally stabbed him with a pencil. Scared the hell out of me. He was quite a large high schooler.

10. Describe your bed:
>Rectangular. White sheets with a navy blue comforter. Actually it's a navy blue duvet cover over a blue comforter. Rachel's influence on my bed cannot go unnoticed. I will give it to's one nice looking comfy bed.

11. Spit, swallow or gargle?
>Honestly. Does anyone gargle? Anyone that has gargled, please stand up and be counted. That's just weird. Bear in mind I have no first hand experience with this, but I'd imagine I'm a spitter. The baseball influence in me.

12. Who would play you in a movie?
>Someone once told me Jerry O'Connell looked like me. I'm not so sure about that one. Probably some geeky guy like Jason Biggs.

13. Do you know how to play poker?
>I do, but does it help me win? Hell no!

14. What do you carry with you at all times?
>My sense of humor! I actually thought about this one for a while, but there's nothing that I absolutely have to take with me everywhere.

15. When did you lose your virginity and did you regret it?
>Summer 2003....just before my 24th birthday I believe. Yeah...I was a late bloomer. No I don't regret it. I definitely waited for the right girl.

16. Are you happy with your given name?
>Andrew Stewart Lasselle. Funny, nobody calls me Andrew, there's a bit of a dispute that my middle name should've been spelled Stuart, but something happened on the birth certificate, and it's extremely rare that anyone pronounces and/or spells my last name right. Yet I always liked my name. Then I came to Oregon State, and there's a building called the LaSells Stewart Center. Every class I take, the professor says something. That got a little old.

17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
>$100,000. Seems reasonable.

18. If you could only fulfill one of your fantasies, which would it be?
>To be financially independent.

19. What was the last song you were listening to?
>Scott Savol singing "On Broadway" on American Idol. He got kind of robbed....Anthony blew last night.

20. Where is the most public place you have ever had sex?
>Not really into the public thing. One time I had sex on the couch with the door unlocked. That was risky.

21. Have you ever been in love?
>Yes Ma'am

22. Do you talk a lot?
>constantly. I'm sure I annoy the hell out of some people at work when I start talking along with the commercials on the radio, or singing with the McDonalds commercial with the guy in the shower. I love that one.

23. What is you favorite sexual position?
>Live chicken in one hand, tennis raquet in the other. Seriously...does it matter?

24. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
>More than most people. I'm probably too nice.

25. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
>Definitely my girlfriend....but really that's the way it should be. I don't have to share a bed with my friends. Although it would be nice if my friends lived a little closer.

26. What is your ideal marriage location?
>Please refer all marriage questions to my bride-to-be. If I know one thing, it's that the woman always calls the shots in wedding related activities. My job is to nod and agree.

27. How many sex toys do you have and which is your favorite?
>I have none. I know how to have fun without toys. Allllllllllright! Giggity-giggity!

28. Favorite fabric?
>A woman wrote this survey. Proof positive.

29. Something you love and hate?
>Fast food.

30. Have you ever been tied up in your bed?
>Nope. Unless you count that time an escaped convict broke in and....oh well nevermind.

31. Do you tell your friends about your sex life?
>Not typically....only if something funny or interesting happens. Things like "we had sex last night and it was good" just don't need to be told. But "we got caught by her parents playing "hide the sausage" in their kitchen" well that needs to be heard. DISCLAIMER...that didn't happen.

32. What's the one language you want to learn?
>That african dialect where you make clicking and popping noises...that's awesome.

33. How do you eat an apple?
>with my hands and my teeth.

34. What do you order at a bar?
>Water...or if they offer free soft drinks to designated drivers, I order a Pepsi.

35. Have you ever pierced your body parts?
>I used to think it was cool to slip a safety pin under a few layers of skin in my finger, but I gave that up years ago. That's as renegade-ish as I'll get.

36. Do you have tattoos?
>Nope....can't think of anything meaningful to get.

37. What is your drug of choice?

38. What's one trait you hate in a person?
>Dishonesty. That's a bunch of it straight.

39. Ever had same-sex sex?
>Ha! Nope. Not my bag baby.

40. What was your most frivolous purchase?
>I one time sent flowers to a girl I talked to online a few times because she asked me to. That was not a good move. Don't try that one at home boys and girls.

41. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
>Not really...I like having stuff that's nice and works, but I don't have a problem driving a 1979 Ford F-250 that pretty much fails me once a week.....Love Brown Sugar.

42. What do you cook the best?
>Salmon. It's about the only thing I know how to cook.

43. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
>More often than not I'm happy to let other people take the lead...I'll hang back. There are times when I want to be recognized and unique.

44. What kind of books do you like to read?
>My shelves are filled with James Patterson and Michael Connelly know the kind you find on the paperback shelves at airports. I'm a big fan of Dan Brown - the guy that wrote the DaVinci Code.

45. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
>Oh lots of stuff. New cars for everyone would be first on the list.

46. Burial or cremation?
>Do I really care? I'm dead!

47. Do you have a fetish?
>Nothing interesting. I'm not turned on by radial tires or cheese curds or anything.

48. What's one thing you're a loser at?
>poker. I already discussed that. I'm not very good at individual sports like golf, tennis, checkers, figure skating or cross country skiing.

49. How many drinks before you're tipsy?
>I'll go with one.

50. Do you think you're cute?
>I have my moments. What do you think?

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