Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The day I lost to life

If you're keeping score at home, it's Life 1, Andy 0 for the day.

I just had one of those days where you just feel like a failure. From 10:30 to about 3, I had absolutely squat to do at work. My boss was in a meeting, so I couldn't even ask for more stuff to do. Not that there was any. So I just had time to think. And when I have too much time to think, I usually end up thinking something along the lines of "how on earth did you turn out so crappy professionally?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the way I've lived my life. I've made some great friends, I don't think I have any enemies. I've been straightforward and honest, I've done a lot of cool things, I married a wonderful woman, I have my own house......but I'm working for $23,000 a year at a job that I'm pretty sure any 15 year old could do. And, like any 15 year old, I'm bitching about my problems on MySpace. Next thing you know I'll be planning an assault on my local high school on this damn website. Seriously kids.....get a clue. If you're going to do something illegal, it's probably not a good idea to write about it on the WORLD WIDE WEB. You know where the entire world can read about it?

How did this happen? Again, I think that if I'd just found some crappy job right out of high school, I'd be better off financially now than I'll probably be three years from now WITH my college degree. Does anyone else see the irony in that? It's just frustrating when I see how successful some of my good friends are. The only difference between them and me is that they started college with a goal. I started with a "whatever, I'll figure it out." Now they're achieving their goals, and I'm busy thanking my lucky stars that my wife is acheiving hers.

There's my infrequent "woe is me" bitch. I don't do it that often, because I know my life is good and I really shouldn't bitch about anything, but that's what blogs are for right? For us to say the things we never say audibly? For us to be self centered? For us to badger our readers with questions?

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