Friday, September 29, 2006

This just in: Rap bad for spelling

I was just reading the "Beavers Blog" on the website. The writer refers to something as being "ludacris." He's a person, not an adjective.

I was worried about this happening when Fabolous came out with "Can't Deny it." Was a whole generation of children going to grow up misspelling ludicrous and fabulous. I don't get why it's cool to spell your name wrong. Oukast, DJ Quik, DJ Tekneek, I mean come on. Remember when you learned to write, they had you write the sentence "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" because it had every letter of the alphabet in it? Well no more.

These days you'd write "Tha Quik Brown Foxx jumped over tha layzie dawg."

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