Friday, November 19, 2004

Welcome to the Blog!

Today I will start writing down my thoughts. Sort of like affordable therapy. Not that I need it, but sometimes I just need to get stuff off my chest. First off, I need to wonder why people would write things about people they know in their livejournal? I've noticed that people will use their journal to air their concerns or attitudes about a relationship they have with another person on the livejournal, knowing full well that those people will read this stuff. I guess if you have a problem with confrontation, this is a good way to get the ball rolling so to speak. But imagine you were like "hmmmm, I'll see what's up with Ol' Andy today" and you pull up my fabulous journal and bang you see "I can't believe that (your name here) snorted a line with Bobby instead of going to the movies with me last night. (your name here) has a serious problem with crack, and I hope he hurts himself or someone else soon, cause that's the only way (your name here)'s ever going to get the point that I'm worried about (him/her.)" Hello? You're just asking for trouble. You'll end up pissing someone off who will in turn think that you would rather bitch about your problems to everyone in the country than approach the subject in question with the person in question. Figure it out people.

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