Monday, May 14, 2007

Yup, I'm an idiot

So I injured my face this weekend.......on my lawnmower.

I'll pause 10 seconds while you stop laughing.

Here's how it went down: I'm mowing the lawn, and when I finished I noticed that my mower no longer had the shiny new look it had last year when I got it. So I decided to wash it off. So I'm rinsing off my mower with the hose, and then decided that the undercarriage also needed a good cleansing. Most people would just tip the mower on its side and resume washing. Not I. Nooooooo. I decide to tip the mower up, holding the handle with one hand while holding the hose in the other. So just when I'm about done, my arm starts getting tired, and the front wheels came in contact with the ground. The weight of the lawnmower pushed it forward bringing the handle of the mower crashing down across my face. I start screaming all sorts of profanities and Rachel thinks I just killed myself. She comes running around the corner of the house asking "what happened?" to which I respond "I hit myself in the face with the I bleeding?" Once she stops laughing, she informs me that I have a welt covering the entire left side of my face. So yeah, my face is still a little bruised today, though thankfully it doesn't show.

How was your weekend?

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