Friday, December 15, 2006

Thanks wind.

So the windstorm caused problems on multiple fronts last night (get it? Fronts? Like weather fronts? Ha!) First Rachel and I decided to brave the elements and head to Quiznos for dinner. We get all the way across town, into the parking lot and POOF! Lights go out on that entire side of the city. So now we have to weave our way through town without the aid of traffic signals, which was a bitch because people seem to forget that intersections where the signal is out automatically become 4-way stops. Must've been at least half a dozen times that someone blew through the intersection, nearly causing an accident. Kind of scary, actually. So we make it back to our side of town, where thankfully the electricity still runs. We ate at Subway, which wasn't half bad.....I tried the new peppercorn steak sandwich, and I must say I was impressed. So we finally get home only to find that the wind has knocked our garbage can and our recyclables over. We're not the only home. Looked like an abandoned city, what with the empty milk jugs rolling down the street and the rain coming down sideways. Very movie-like. So we settle in on the couch to watch The Office, which was an hour long last night...or at least it would've been, had the power not gone out halfway through! We were without power from 8:30 last night to about 4:45 this morning. I know the exact time because our tv came back on and scared the bejeezus out of me.

Oh, and I've been having a problem with nightmares lately. First it was the toilet ghost. Last night I kept waking up because I was hearing people calling my name while I was lying in bed, only I couldn't move or speak. Then I woke up and my arms were both asleep. Then I dreamed that my mom was a victim of a road rage attack. Not a fun nights sleep, let me tell you.

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