Friday, December 8, 2006

The Christmas Newsletter

By now, anyone who reads this should know that the Christmas Tree and all the things that go with it (hunting, cutting, decorating, etc) is my favorite tradition. A close second has to be the Christmas Newsletter.

The Christmas newsletter is a fairly new development....I don't remember seeing them until the mid '90s. This may have something to do with the rise of the home computer, making it easier to include pictures and graphics. The newsletter is the cousin of the bulk email.....people sending out a generic email to everyone in their address book saying "This is what I am up to, I'm too lazy to send you all an email, but could you all take the time to send me one?" The Christmas newsletter works much better, because nearly everyone does it so you don't have to worry about looking like a slacker.

The Christmas Newsletter usually includes a few key things. Pictures of the kids, a recap of any vacations taken during the year, and sadly, a recap of any tragedies in the family. Everyone has the crazy relative who always rambles about how the cats got declawed or gives you a blow by blow of their battle with the homeowners association. These are my favorite because no one wants to know about Little Fluffy's bout with ringworm, yet they never omit this information. You really can't put a price on this stuff.

I think I'm going to do a MySpace Bulletin Christmas Newsletter and see if it catches on. Let me know what you think.

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