Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Hello, my name is Upson Downs.....

The last few days have been some serious peaks and valleys. Saturday I watched USC commit 8 errors, essentially handing Oregon State a victory in the college baseball super regionals. When I woke up Sunday morning, someone had broken into Brown Sugar and stolen the stereo and all my cds. That was about 15 years of cds that got taken. I'm not sure how much money that guy's gonna get for my Kris Kross and Bobby Brown cds, but if he needs the money that bad, I hope he gets something. I thought about putting a sign out on the truck that says "next time take the whole fucking thing asshole." I called the police, and they told me to call back on Tuesday. Way to get right on that guys. Then.......

The day finally came. I graduated from college, officially. They even gave me a diploma. I wasn't positive it was going to happen until they actually handed me that damn thing. I could just see them not having me on the list of graduates, or saying over the loud speakers "will Andrew Lasselle please report to the registrar's office. Andrew Lasselle to the registrar's office, there is a discrepancy on your transcript." That would've been lovely.

Then we all went to my aunt's house for dinner. It's a rare occasion with both sides of my family hang out in the same place. It was kind of cool seeing both my grandfathers having a conversation though. My family was extremely generous in their gifts as well. Both Grant and I received a sizeable amount of money. Rachel was shocked and impressed. When she told me how much she got for graduating college, I realized how lucky I was. I think that it helped that Grant and I graduated at the same time, and that I took so long that people thought I'd never do it. I think that made it more special in everyone's minds. I seriously wouldn't have walked had mom not made me.

After the party, we watched OSU choke away a chance to go to the college world series. That was depressing. And at work yesterday, I spent all afternoon huddled by the radio listening to the third and deciding game. I'll be amazed if I hit my productivity goal for the day. Nobody seemed to care though, especially when OSU pulled the game out. Grant is planning on going to Omaha, which I think is a great idea. I'm actually extremely jealous that he gets to go, but I guess it makes up for me going to the Fiesta Bowl back in 2001 without him. He better take pictures, that's all I know.

Alright I'm off to work. Y'all have a good day.

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