Thursday, June 9, 2005

Meat Buzz!

Yesterday was actually a good day at work. After struggling through the morning, I got myself a "meat buzz" at The Chippery. It's amazing what a beef philly will do for your attitude. The afternoon was great. Everyone was in a good mood, most likely because ol' D-minus was sent to the back to do posting lookups. But everyone was laughing and joking around. Makes the day go by much faster.

So I'm graduating on Sunday. That's......3 days away. It's a very strange feeling. Everyone else seems so excited for me. I'm like "great, I have to sit through three hours of speeches and 3,000 or so people dressed just like me walking across a stage." I guess it's the symbolism of the whole thing, but personally I wish people would stop making such a big deal about it. It took me almost twice as long as normal to get my degree - this is not something we should celebrate. But it makes my parents happy, and my grandpa is proud of Grant and I, so I guess that's a good thing.

Baseball Super-Regionals are this weekend.....Check out OSU on ESPN2 Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday!

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